The Tim Ferriss Effect: Lessons From My Successful Book Launch

Book promotion is a huge topic among writers these days, we get a ton of emails on WAENet and BP Wiz asking about it. I came across a really interesting article in Forbes today on the subject of book promotion that I wanted to share with my readers. Enjoy!

Michael Ellsberg - Forbes Contributor

If you had a book coming out, and you were considering how to get people excited to buy it, read it, and talk about it, which would be most valuable to you:

1) a 3-minute segment about your book (which is long by TV news standards), including a close-up shot of the cover, on primetime CNN. . .

2) a 1,000 word piece you wrote on a topic related to your book, published in the Sunday opinion section of America’s newspaper of record, theNew York Times, which reaches the #6 most emailed piece on within a day. . .

3) a guest post you wrote, published on the blog of one lone dude in SF obsessed with fat loss, female orgasms, and lifting Russian kettle bells?

If your goal was to cause a lightning storm of book sales, you should pick #3. I know—I did all three.

Click here to read the full article.

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