Would you want to "read" movies on your kindle? Amazon thinks so.

I think this would be interesting.  No?  I happen to be a fan of old flicks, so I immediately related it to the Silent Movie Era...but more on the techie, modern side.

This would be perfect to watch films on the go. But turning films into to comic like art-forms? I'm not so crazy about.

Here is an expert of an article written on GIGAom by Bobbie Johnson, where this dilemma and Amazon's plan to totally innovate the e-reader:
"Rumors have been flying around the industry for some time that Amazon is working on next generation versions of its Kindle that can do things like run video. Perhaps it will be a color version of the existing Kindle, with some extra bells and whistles. Perhaps it will be a tablet, produced in conjunction with Samsung. Perhaps it will be both.
However, until the release date of such a magical device is actually announced, the whole idea is little more than pie in the sky. So what do you do in the meantime if you want to kick back and watch some video on your Kindle?
Turns out it’s not impossible."
Read more on Gigaom.

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